The goal of our instructional support program is to make Catholic education accessible to all learners, including children who learn differently. We service children in grades K – 8 in the following areas:
- Reading/Language Arts
- Math
- Academic Support in the Content Areas
The Cupertino Classroom
Levels of Support
Itinerant Support: Student spend at least 80% of their day in regular education with academic support and specially designed instruction as per their ILP.
Supplemental Support: Students spend between 50 and 80% of their day in regular education, receiving pull-out instruction in the Cupertino Classroom in the areas of need indicated in their ILP.
Speech and Language: Student who qualify for speech and language receive support through IU 13.
Students are identified for the Instructional Support Program through school district evaluations (IEP) or evidence of need as recommended by our Student
Support Team (SST). Decisions regarding placement are based on data and input from ongoing assessments and classroom observation.
Students who fall below benchmark on grade level assessments are first referred to Tier II instruction. When a student does not make adequate progress in Tier II, he or she is referred for further testing to determine eligibility for Instructional Support.
A psychological evaluation is performed by the school district or by IU 13 resulting in recommendations for instruction based on the students’ individual needs. Currently, we serve students with mild to moderate academic needs.